
Title Deeds in Thailand

Title Deeds in ThailandTitle Deeds in Thailand. If you are buying property in Isaan then be very careful when dealing with Title Deeds in Thailand. The title-deed system in Thailand is not the same as in your home country and hence it is best to speak to a lawyer first when dealing in property. The Thai government create certain types of title deeds for the rural poor so in Isaan you are likely to come across some of these title deeds.

The main title-deed much like you would have at home would be called a Chanote title-deed also called the Nor Sor 4. This is a full title-deed and this is what you would buy into. The other title deeds such as the Nor Sor 3 Gor is not a full title deed but can be upgraded if you apply to the Land Department for an upgrade of this title deed. This application process can be done and the title upgraded if nobody objects to the upgrade, so there is some rick in the process.

The other title-deed is the Nor Sor 3 which the government has as yet not measured the land so the boundaries not really known. This title deed can be upgraded to a Nor Sor 3 Gor and then to a full Chanote however as the Nor Sor 3 Gor there are risks. This title deed as stated has not had its boundaries set as yet and the land could be smaller than what you think. Be very careful!

The other title deeds that the government does issue especially in Isaan are title deeds that cannot be owned. They are deeds which only give the user possession but not ownership. Most times this land belongs to the government and cannot be sold or built on. Normally the government only allows someone to build a small house on this type of land.

If you want to know more about title deeds in Thailand then speak to our lawyers in Thailand about this. Call our toll-free US or UK numbers or visit our main website and speak to us on live chat or simply walk into any of our offices in Thailand.

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