
Thai Limited Company Registration

Establishing a limited company in Thailand can be a rewarding venture for entrepreneurs seeking to tap into the vibrant Southeast Asian market. Thailand’s strategic location, booming economy, and investor-friendly policies make it an attractive destination for business ventures. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of registering a limited company in Thailand, highlighting key steps, requirements, and considerations.

Understanding a Thai Limited Company

A Thai Limited Company, known as a “บริษัท จำกัด” (Bor Ror Jor), is a widely used legal structure for businesses in Thailand. It offers limited liability to shareholders, allowing them to limit their financial exposure to the amount invested in the company. A minimum of three shareholders is required to form a limited company in Thailand.

Minimum Requirements for Company Formation

To register a limited company in Thailand, you’ll need to meet the following minimum requirements:

a. Shareholders: A minimum of three shareholders is required. These can be individuals or corporate entities. Foreigners can hold up to 49% of the shares, with Thai nationals owning the majority.

b. Directors: At least one director is required. The director(s) can be of any nationality.

c. Registered Address: A physical address in Thailand is necessary for official communications.

d. Registered Capital: A minimum registered capital of 1 million Thai Baht is typically required. However, this doesn’t need to be fully paid up front.

Reserve Your Company Name
Before proceeding with the registration, it’s crucial to choose a unique name for your company. The name should not be identical or too similar to existing businesses. Once approved, the name is reserved for 30 days.

Prepare the Memorandum of Association (MOA)
The MOA outlines the company’s objectives, capital, shareholders, and operational details. It should be prepared in Thai and submitted along with other registration documents.

Registration Process

a. Filing Documents: Submit the required documents, including the MOA, to the Department of Business Development (DBD) under the Ministry of Commerce.

b. Approval and Registration: Upon submission, the DBD will review the documents. If everything is in order, the company will be registered, and a certificate of incorporation will be issued.

c. Tax Registration: Register for tax with the Revenue Department.

d. VAT Registration (if applicable): Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to register for Value Added Tax.

Obtaining Business Licenses and Permits

Depending on your industry, you may require specific licenses and permits. For example, restaurants, hotels, and certain service businesses have additional licensing requirements.


Registering a limited company in Thailand offers a gateway to a dynamic market with immense potential. However, navigating the legal and bureaucratic process can be complex, especially for foreigners. Consulting with legal and business experts in Thailand is highly recommended to ensure a smooth and compliant company registration process. With the right guidance, your business can thrive in the Land of Smiles. Good luck!

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